Thursday, 22 January 2015

Vile - The New Age Of Chaos (Listenable Records, 2005)

Vile - The New Age of Chaos

Once again, reaching deep into the Florida death metal goodie-bag, Vile have cranked up yet another quality release, with this being their third album, still sustaining their above-par output they’ve pulled off throughout the years. With subtle political references from the lyrical side, this could be seen as a concept album of sorts, unsurprisingly highlighting the brutality of war as seen recently from the whole Iraq conflict. Nevertheless, the music is the important thing here. Although not musically disparate from previous releases, the outfit has successfully managed to add a few more strings to its bow with a number of interesting black metal-inspired tremolo passages (which at times digress considerably although not alarmingly from the album’s death metal hub), a few well-placed Morbid Angelesque melodic solo out-spurts and of course the best production they’ve had yet. Newcomer Gibson (Exodus), does an excellently ear-catching job on the bass lines; whilst Urteaga’s visceral vocal delivery fits the bill just fine. As such, this is not your straight-cut piece of brutal death, since it is an album comprising of both brutality and more thought-out slower paced passages in good measure which give out a distinct musical punch. Unrelenting, yet definitely not elementary in its delivery, this is definitely one of the better death metal releases for 2005.

(originally written for Tartarean Desire - 2005?)

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