Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Accurst - Fragments of a Nightmare (Colflesh, 2004)


What more is to say than the fact that this is a creation of pure lunacy?
Taking ambient 'music' (there's hardly any sign of an ordered pattern on this disc) to the most frightening extreme the man(Adon) behind this monstrous masterpiece has indeed succeded in making a what he calls "soundtrack to a soulless madman's dream...".
Track after track the pure resonant electronic sound combined with the inhuman growls, screams that spawn up along with the occasional violins(?) ) from time to time take the listener on a ride through the mind's celestial hell.
Terribly mesmerising work which certainly achieves its purpose.. 

(written for Metal Archives originally sometime during summer 2004 then taken down. this version was taken from the Red Stream website - dated 2004-07-15)

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