Friday, 23 January 2015

Animus Mortis - Atrabilis (Residues From Verb & Flesh) (Debemur Morti Productions, 2008)

 Animus Mortis - Atrabilis (Residues from Verb & Flesh)

If there is such a thing as a black metal index quantifying the quality output of any particular country, then Chile would probably be somewhere in the middle third of the world league. That said however, with this release we should expect this Latin American country to climb up a few notches on the aforementioned rankings. But for anyone acquainted with the band, Atrabilis (Residues From Verb & Flesh) won't fall on their ears like thunder in clear skies: its foundation was already laid with their previous demo's engaging synergy of genuine melancholically charged themes and the guitar's rich timbre. In terms of progression, they've essentially extrapolated their compositional style unto an early Enslaved-inspired maelstrom of drawn-out musical phrases draped over prominently animated percussion, and it is quite effective at the very least. The tonal undercurrent that propels the melodic progressions on display here is quite unvaried throughout the album's course that perforce reflects in its emotively constrained yet appealing moods.What makes the difference, however, is their relatively clean-cut production, which gives all instruments their equal share in a consonant and effective blend, although we could definitely do less with the pattering triggers that are used in an irritating abundance in almost every song on the album. Animus Mortis are actually one of the few bands that have come to my attention that maintain the fragile balance between instrumental technicalities and un-tiresome melodies with a distinctive flair. Therefore _Atrabilis_ delivers us not only with an abrasive punch of quality black metal, but also a promising sophomore to look forward to.


(originally written for Chronicles of Chaos -  6/4/2008)

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