Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Silencer - Death - Pierce Me (Prophecy, 2001)

 Silencer - Death - Pierce Me

Being always on the lookout for bands seemingly dwelling in obscurity but nonetheless of high quality and definitely worth listening to, I stumbled across this darkened threnody of an album. Very few bands are even on the same league in terms of sheer insanity and chaotic fluidity encapsulated in this piece of music tentatively entitled 'Death, Pierce Me'; a title tentative and yet revealing of what is to follow upon placing this disc in your CD player. The first track starts with a smooth and reassuring piano piece before the incipient signs of insanity scythe through at full blast. The wailing, penetrating and ear-piercing cries of Nattramn burrow through the ear drum leaving you in an initial state of surprise before you finally become habituated to his unrivaled vocal delivery. Melodious and sweeping guitar riffage which always move on frenetic rhythms exacerbate all our mental wounds and leave the senses in a state of dread and alarm. Cleaner piano passages sporadically crop out assuaging the wounds made by this audial assault before we are once again plunged into madness as if being carried on an emotional roller coaster. The vocalist is screaming, crying, choking, doing anything humanly possible through his vocal chords; he is not imitating nor is he putting any effort to do so, this is a person who is genuinely in psychic torment. This is an album which at first take you must press the replay button to re-assure yourself that what you heard was actually real. Black metal? Perhaps.. But this album delves in so many levels that labeling its uncompromising and subversive sound, makes the tag seem mundane and insufficient. This is the soundtrack of meditative suicide, a never ending damning to bottomless perdition, the tormented cries of the damned; what more is to say truly?

(written for Metal Archives -  November 3rd, 2005)

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