Thursday, 22 January 2015

Dawn Of Division - Awaiting The Dawn (Graveyard 666 Records, 2005)

 Dawn of Division - Awaiting the Dawn

Second demo from Orestis (the sole driving force behind Dawn of Division) sees the band once again zealously flirting with the majestic aesthetic of early Norwegian acts such as early Emperor and Satyricon. The demo comprises of only two actual songs (tracks 2 and 4) with the rest of the five being the intro, an instrumental and the outro providing a limited grounding for one to establish accurately the band’s musical direction as a whole. After the soothing and atmospheric keyboard intro, ‘Bride of winter’ kicks in with the song being initially driven by mid-tempo paces dangerously reminiscent of Burzum and then increases in speed and harshness reminding more of Emperor’s early releases. Both songs exhibit a fervent and satisfying outcome with a number of interesting ideas spread throughout successfully capturing that bitter and bleak feeling of the good ol’ and grim days. There are also some noticeable similarities to their country mates Nocternity as well especially at their faster, symphonic parts. All in all a good effort by Dawn of Division which are slowly but steadily climbing on the black metal ranks. 

(originally written for Tartarean Desire - summer 2005)
Second demo from Orestis (the sole driving force behind Dawn of Division) sees the band once again zealously flirting with the majestic aesthetic of early Norwegian acts such as early Emperor and Satyricon. The demo comprises of only two actual songs (tracks 2 and 4) with the rest of the five being the intro, an instrumental and the outro providing a limited grounding for one to establish accurately the band’s musical direction as a whole. After the soothing and atmospheric keyboard intro, ‘Bride of winter’ kicks in with the song being initially driven by mid-tempo paces dangerously reminiscent of Burzum and then increases in speed and harshness reminding more of Emperor’s early releases. Both songs exhibit a fervent and satisfying outcome with a number of interesting ideas spread throughout successfully capturing that bitter and bleak feeling of the good ol’ and grim days. There are also some noticeable similarities to their country mates Nocternity as well especially at their faster, symphonic parts. All in all a good effort by Dawn of Division which are slowly but steadily climbing on the black metal ranks. - See more at:

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