Thursday, 22 January 2015

Filii Nigrantium Infernalium - Fellatrix Discordia Pantokrator (Pro-Con Media, 2005)

 Filii Nigrantium Infernalium - Fellatrix Discordia Pantokrator

Yet another recent up-rise from the black metal underground that caught me a little unaware. The Portuguese Filii Nigrantium Infernalium have at last released their first album after 14 years of itching and scratching in the Lisboan underground and truth be told, whenever you gaze upon a cover sporting a goatlike humanoid figure bearing an aloof, discontenting stance there's no doubt as to what may lay within. Indeed, ‘Fellatrix Discordia Pantokrator’ is black metal perhaps not at its finest but definitely at its most raw and abrasive. An audial riffing onslaught threaded with thrashing rhythms and ripping solo-ing harkening back to Venom and the great three of Teutonic thrash. The man behind the mic (vocalist/guitarist BTHZR) does a good job imitating the painful throes of a dying animal (think Bethlehem era-Dictius Te Necare or some early Deinonychus, minus the insane outspurts of the former) which gladly don’t fall short in galvanizing the album’s already nut-gripping sound. This is not a monolithic affair however; ‘Fellatrix Discordia Pantokrator’ wavers between all-out, riff-fueled thrust (Morte Geométrica, A Forca de Deus) and mid-paced, controlled passages which subtly flirt with melodic overtones (Bordel no Éden, Cães de Guerra). An interesting retro deluge of the legacy the 80’s left us and a welcome shot of black/thrash adrenaline done the good ol' way nonetheless. Now where did I put those darn Venom cds? 

(originally written for Tartarean Desire - 2005)
Yet another recent up-rise from the black metal underground that caught me a little unaware. The Portuguese Filii Nigrantium Infernalium have at last released their first album after 14 years of itching and scratching in the Lisboan underground and truth be told, whenever you gaze upon a cover sporting a goatlike humanoid figure bearing an aloof, discontenting stance there's no doubt as to what may lay within. Indeed, ‘Fellatrix Discordia Pantokrator’ is black metal perhaps not at its finest but definitely at its most raw and abrasive. An audial riffing onslaught threaded with thrashing rhythms and ripping solo-ing harkening back to Venom and the great three of Teutonic thrash. The man behind the mic (vocalist/guitarist BTHZR) does a good job imitating the painful throes of a dying animal (think Bethlehem era-Dictius Te Necare or some early Deinonychus, minus the insane outspurts of the former) which gladly don’t fall short in galvanizing the album’s already nut-gripping sound. This is not a monolithic affair however; ‘Fellatrix Discordia Pantokrator’ wavers between all-out, riff-fueled thrust (Morte Geométrica, A Forca de Deus) and mid-paced, controlled passages which subtly flirt with melodic overtones (Bordel no Éden, Cães de Guerra). An interesting retro deluge of the legacy the 80’s left us and a welcome shot of black/thrash adrenaline done the good ol' way nonetheless. Now where did I put those darn Venom cds? - See more at:

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