Thursday, 22 January 2015

Skotos - Skotos (Self-financed, 2005)

 Skotos - Skotos

It really is saddening when extensive technological use pulverizes all feeling and innovation within an otherwise interesting musical offering. In Skotos’s case although there is a number of good ideas in their self-titled demo, the completely offhand and life-less drum machine sucks out all life from their sound. Tempo changes are utterly erratic while the entire drum work sounds out of sync at many a time. I’m not really against the use of drum machines but they do require work and a fair amount of experience to make them sound natural and not completely offbeat. The overall riffage on the demo does not salvage the whole effort since although there are some interesting passages, riffs move on mostly repetitive and simplistic patterns throughout the four musical tracks. Lyrics are written and sung in Greek which is pretty rare (on the fly now only Kawir come to my memory that have extensively used a similar approach). It is a pity though since like I said before there are some good ideas but unfortunately too well hidden.

(originally written for Tartarean Desire - Summer 2005)

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