This demo, for the most part, would have us believe that it belongs to that certain group of releases which manage, through a rather monotonous and yet enamoring manner to convey a deep sensation of glum-filled musicality, but if only things were that simple. It is essentially a morbidly satisfying piece of despair-ridden, funereal black/doom besmeared with touches of crawling, gloomy orchestrations. Indeed, "The Pain Sessions" may be regarded as a forgotten segment from a forlorn tragedy, a discontented cry echoing through the darkened serpentines of the mind's deserted realms but nonetheless it is a subjective sensation only discernible to a patient few. This one-manned outfit incorporates choirs, succinct musical structures and is generally characterized by a permeating sense of minimalist moroseness yet letting only an inchoate sense of what is to follow to emerge. Nevertheless, this is not by any means a work of unparalleled originality; on the contrary the likes of this demo have been heard many a time on Nortt’s or even Catacombs’ pernicious output. But still, its entrancing and bleak nature can sometimes be engulfing and inescapable. In summation, Dictator has built an appealing funereal template for himself on “The Pain Sessions”, from which we can expect a no less than interesting climax of doom-induced despondency in the future.
(originally written for Tartarean Desire - 10/4/2006)
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