Incriminated have been around since 1997. Surprisingly this is their fourth full length release, their previous three seemingly buried in obscurity; surprisingly because Incriminated are unfortunately one of those bands that go relatively unnoticed and remain only known to a select few even though they are on par with more reputable names of their like. No matter, perhaps it is better that way. With a production being dirty and greasy as a McDonald’s joint at closing time “Promise of worse to come” is not exactly your lucrative, shine polished brand of sympho-black this side of Dimmu Borgir. The whole album just seethes of plain filth. There’re no other words to describe this ominous claustrophobic atmosphere that seeps out from the album; something strongly reminiscent of Beherit’s seminal “Drawing down the moon”. Incriminated use a different approach though from their fellow countrymen counterparts; there are some sleazy Motorhead segments that crop out here and there and there are also more death metal parts although mostly mid-tempo. All the musical elements in the album garner up that essential primitive vibe. Drums and bass get more than their share thus giving more emphasis on the rhythm section. Guitars are lightened down but still maintain their distinct, sickening presence. Overall the whole feel of the album makes it sound like it got lost somewhere in the early 90’s and then creeped out from some sludge drenched, maggot infested, long forgotten corner into our own time.
(originally written for Tartarean Desire - Autumn 2005)
have been around since 1997. Surprisingly this is their fourth full
length release, their previous three seemingly buried in obscurity;
surprisingly because Incriminated are unfortunately one of those bands
that go relatively unnoticed and remain only known to a select few even
though they are on par with more reputable names of their like. No
matter, perhaps it is better that way.
With a production being dirty and greasy as a McDonald’s joint at
closing time “Promise of worse to come” is not exactly your lucrative,
shine polished brand of sympho-black this side of Dimmu Borgir. The
whole album just seethes of plain filth. There’re no other words to
describe this ominous claustrophobic atmosphere that seeps out from the
album; something strongly reminiscent of Beherit’s seminal “Drawing down
the moon”. Incriminated use a different approach though from their
fellow countrymen counterparts; there are some sleazy Motorhead segments
that crop out here and there and there are also more death metal parts
although mostly mid-tempo. All the musical elements in the album garner
up that essential primitive vibe. Drums and bass get more than their
share thus giving more emphasis on the rhythm section. Guitars are
lightened down but still maintain their distinct, sickening presence.
Overall the whole feel of the album makes it sound like it got lost
somewhere in the early 90’s and then creeped out from some sludge
drenched, maggot infested, long forgotten corner into our own time. -
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