Friday, 13 February 2015

Darkemist - Mindseek (Self-released, 2004)

 Darkemist - Mindseek

Darkemist are a Chilean band playing quality melodic death metal which is something of a blow to someone unfamiliar with the band. Technical acquisition is the order of the day in such instrumentally demanding genres and the Chilians prove that they are adept in many areas. Musically they are akin to the early Gothenburg movement but not necessarily following the trite modernisms of late. Album opener ‘Down’ begins with an eerie synth intro after which the guitars blast through, a well-structured song nonetheless with a melodic and catchy chorus. ‘Kingdom of my own’ and ‘Parasite’, as well as other tracks, are charmingly ‘In Flames-esque’ which is something of an inevitability considering the album’s musical rooting. Powerful and fervent percussion paces the album on a steady and robust rhythmical framework. Darkemist manage to balance the melody factor without being excessively mellow or trite by throwing a number of interesting elements in the mix including more harsh outbreaks at times specially in the case of the album’s final track ‘Coming Back’. Inevitably the band doesn’t exactly break the mould here, safely adhering to known and recognizable formulas. Nonetheless an interesting piece of quality melo-death for the fans of the aforementioned genre and not only.

(originally written for Tartarean Desire - October 2005)

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