Kallbrand is a promising black/ambient project of one J. Abrahamsson,
and this is his first offering. As the synth-laden ambient intro of
_Bedrövelse_ ushers you into the world of Kallbrand and its bleak
apparitions, you can't help but get comfortable in its inviting
atmosphere. Not before long, perhaps too shortly for that matter, "Det
Svarta Hav" follows with its catchy folk-tinged black metal riffs, which
for some obscure reason remind me of Arckanum. The next three tracks
are of a distinctly ambient affair; think Burzum's melancholic imagery
and Abigor's more atmospheric parts (_Orkblut_ era) with less of the
symphonic bombast. Be it as it may, it becomes quite noticeable after a
while that the tracks in question fall short in successfully enmeshing
that entrancing ambient element into the demo's black metal backbone,
which makes it sound disparate in terms of continuation and musical
fluidity. Sounding more like the incipient steps of a budding artist
(well, it is a demo after all), _Bedrövelse_ comes from a band which
undeniably is in need of maturation, in order for its future efforts to
stand on their own two feet.
(originally written for Chronicles of Chaos - 20/2/2006)
(originally written for Chronicles of Chaos - 20/2/2006)
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