Friday, 13 February 2015

Roanoke - Stormbringer (Doomphonic Recordings, 2005)

Whoa! What the hell was that?! I must admit, doom/slugde, drone and otherwise extreme doom acts do require their fair share of listens before you become habituated to their elephantine sound, but no matter how many times you give this CD a spin it always comes off as though you’re having your head in a vice during its time-span. 

Borrowing aesthetically from Electric Wizard and Japan's very own Corrupted this is an album set to test the limits of our listening perseverance. And whilst you hopelessly try to expand your attention span beyond the five-minute barrier amidst this barrage of comatose guitar riffage strewn on a rhythmical dearth of temporal changes, the senses become numbed to the repeating, piercing song structures which so tortuously unweave through thick stratums of dampened, down-tuned chord successions. 

Slow, monotonous and unwearyingly heavy, this is indeed one uncompromising release. Be it a moment of alcohol-induced daze imbued with a soporific sensation of numbness stretched unto 30 minutes of disquieting dirge or the sonic equivalent of slow moving molten lava, this is definitely an album to be taken in small doses. Leave a man of a relatively healthy demeanor listening to ‘Stormbringer’ for 24 hours and you'll come back to find him in a trance-like stupor, visibly resembling a drooling idiot in a vegetative state.

(originally written for Tartarean Desire -  December 2005?)

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