Friday, 13 February 2015

Lucifugum - Involtation (PROPAGANDA, 2006)

Lucifugum - Involtation

Lucifugum have acquired a notorious fame for producing abrasive, raw and autistically monotonous black metal as well as being one of the most productive bands in recent years, averaging almost an album a year. That particular formula of theirs has been retained in this album as well, sans the distinct quality of previous albums that managed to exude a more cohesive outcome. The production here, as always, is quite simply horrendous, and not horrendous in an Ildjarn-cum-atmospheric kind of way but horrendous, in that it significantly hinders the effectiveness of the album's compositions. Songs can sometimes sound structure-less and aberrantly erratic with the musical direction left afloat and helpless in a sea of white noise. The emergent hostile sound arising from this hodgepodge of perniciously harsh guitar riffs and monotonous drumming might be too alien for some but ideal for others. Although being a fan of their early catalogue, I can't put myself in wholeheartedly enjoying this album, which I find to be quite bland and sterile at times. Employing this kind of ultra-minimalistic musicianship can work wonders when applied properly and within the proper thematic context (e.g. Vlad Tepes, Mutiilation, Von etc), this album however falls short for the most part in attaining a certain quiddity that would allow it to escape the mediocrity of its own niche. For fanatics only, the rest need not bother. 

(originally written for Tartarean Desire  -2/1/2007)

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