Sunday, 15 February 2015

Herem - Pulsa diNura (Rusty Crowbar Records, 2008)

Herem - Pulsa diNura

Apparently, doom metal and its variants have become the only place where that cynical, un-pretentious attitude - the very core of metal's inherent rebelliousness - can find refuge in these hard times. And Herem gladly attest to this observation with throbbing bass lines and rumbling riffage which flow like a stream of raw sewage along a conspicuous stratum of Cathedral-esque murkiness. Don’t expect that chaotic, all-over-the-place aesthetic of filthy and noisy doom bands however - their song structures remain characteristically cohesive and neat throughout. Musically they base their compositions around an elementary backbone of Kyuss-inspired rhythms and a conflation of stoner and doom/death melodicism. Indeed, their touches of melodic finishes and verses may be prominent but they possess that extra dose of ballsy attitude to allow their music to dispense with the excess baggage of maudlin sentimentalities seamlessly and effectively. Oh, and when's the last time you heard a female vocalist deliver a convincing torrent of monstrous gurgling? Well, you might be in for a surprise. Although in terms of vocal inflection she doesn't score quite as highly on the Runhild Gammelsaete scale, her vocals have a commanding presence both rhythmically and tonally. If you’re into structured, authentic doom then this little platter of uncompromising yet tuneful spite might very well be up your alley.

(originally written for Tartarean Desire - early 2008)

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