Sunday, 15 February 2015

Eschaton - Promo (Self-released, 2007)

I reviewed Eschaton's debut about a year ago and from what I recall it was a fine dabbling in melodic black metal with some very engaging riffs thrown in the mix. This is their latest release of sorts being a 7" promo of their upcoming album containing two tracks of quality black metal. What's refreshingly apparent after listening to this pair of songs is that Eschaton are beginning to establish their musical identity by successfully following on the template that they set for themselves with their previous effort. Consequently, they're beginning to attain an identifiable imprint of their own which characterises them as a respectable act in their niche. This essentially translates to capturing melodies, simple song structures and a continuous onslaught of emotionally infused black metal. Unfortunately, the production has its glitches being of disappointing standards on this particular release and improvements on it could potentially benefit the overall quality of the songs. Definitely something to whet the appetite for their upcoming sophomore release.

(originally written for Tartarean Desire - 11/12/2008)

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