It’s been
some time since I got my hands on some good brutal death metal (save the latest
Hate Eternal opus). Looks like the aforementioned genre has fallen in
popularity in recent years from the acceptance it enjoyed back in the early to
mid 90’s. Nonetheless a fall in popularity does not insinuate a fall in quality
and that’s what these Spaniards are here to prove with their debut. In
retrospect, Spanish death metal has managed from time to time to offer a breath
of fresh air to the now seemingly stagnant European brutal death metal scene
with acts such as Human Mincer, Cerebral Effusion and Fermento. Scent of Death
are the latest addition to their ranks. Their debut album churns, grooves and
blasts all your favorite death metal goodies throughout its 35 minutes of
musical onslaught. The band takes heed of the U.S. school of death metal such
as Monstrosity, Immolation (specially that break down groove trademark of
theirs) and ofcourse Cannibal Corpse. Technically the Spaniards hit it hard all
the way being on par with other tech death metal acts such as Deeds of Flesh
and Spawn of Possession. There is a certain groove to the music I have to say
which does manage to satisfy your cravings for ferocious musicality. Garnish
the whole blend with the vocal clone of Immolation’s Ross Dolan and what you
have here is a brutal death metal powerhouse capable of giving quite a few
quality headbangs to the initiated and not only. Oh and their Morbid Angel
cover is quite pleasing in the least although inexplicably it is merged with
the album’s final track.
(originally written for Tartarean Desire - September 2005)